LABN1.9.5- An Important Message From Your Host…

Sorry there’s not a real episode this week, i’m editing a blooper reel for you to enjoy as i have PLENTY of footage i can take clips from already recorded, but i have no way to record anything new or transfer it to the computer if i did, enjoy the story about my struggle to try & make it happen, and i’ll see you again as SOON as the camera is in working order! thank you, as always for watching & for your patience in regards to the occasional set backs & delays this show has, i greatly appreciate it! Much Love! CIAO!

revamping my old Cafe Press shop, not a lot of LABN merchandise up yet, but some fun older designs and the ORIGINAL LABN logo from back in 2006 when it was intended to be a web comic LOL, buy something & help support this madness! 😉

no show…broken equipment :'(

its is OFFICIAL now, there will be  no show this week, you have NO FUCKING CLUE how pissed & depressed I am…and this is NOT for lack of effort on my part either…

I HAULED ASS to the hawthorne district this morning to the fred meyer & bought a BRAND NEW 4GB mem card, they were on sale for $10, which was exactly my budget, PERFECT, things were lookin good, all i needed was a cord or other way to move the data from the camera to the computer…which i could do as long as el cheapo (snap camera) would read what i had recorded & allow me to do so (snap camera has USB plug on it) it took a few photos on the good camera & then moved the data by using el cheapo the camera…then when i pulled the card out, tragedy, SHEER FUCKING HORROR…the thing had scratched my BRAND NEW MEMORY CARD ALL TO FUCKING SHIT! RUINED! $10 down the drain, and that may not be much to some of you but to someone who virtually NEVER has money, thats a LOT of money and feels like a HUGE punch in the pocket book.

i MIGHT be able to get another new one while they’re on sale (GODS I HOPE SO, BECAUSE I NEED ONE…) but it wont be in time to make the show deadline this week.

I am truly sorry guys, i TRIED, really hard, to find SOME work around, any way to make it happen, i couldn’t make it happen because of my limited finances though.  I will post some stuff that i’ve already got footage for, i’ll figure something out, but a traditional LABN reveiw/recommendation, we will not have this week…I’m sorry. 😥



JUST a heads up…really trying not to freak and/or have a serious panic attack at the moment…there might not be an episode of LABN this week as my memory card just crapped out on me (SOOOO GRATEFUL i was able to transfer the footage from the concert & my few photos *DOH* forgot to get one of me with VOLTAIRE, IDIOT!)…ANYWAY, SOMETIMES these memory cards are on sale for like $10, so if it is possible, I will get a new one today, if they’re more than that, I’m pretty much screwed.

Moreover, I’m pretty sure I need a new memory card reader or USB cord (which would be preferable frankly)  because I’m certain what killed the memory card was using the apparently damaged memory card reader (it got water DUMPED on it by my clutzy ass monday night and i THOUGHT i saved it, but apparently i was wrong)…which sucks DOUBLE because, its not technically mine, it was on long term loan from my friend Wysskers & now, i’ve not only got to get myself a new memory card and means of transfering it to my computer, but I will ALSO have to replace the memory card reader *SUCKAGE*

so I apologize in advance if there isn’t an episode this week…if we’re VERY VERY lucky, there will be, and something fun (however not what i initially planned…hence why i never officially announced this weeks topic…as i was not able to acquire the footage necessary, i had to leave the location before i was able)…if i can obtain the necessary equipment replacements by friday i can slap together a fun episode (maybe the briefest ever) but we may not have one this week, just wanted to warn you.

SO SORRY 😥 (i’m NOT happy about this, i HATE being w/out my camera, i have always been a shutter bug and MASSIVE AV geek and since getting a digital camera i can pretty much FEED that fixation CONSTANTLY, and so now i can’t and that freaks me lol…did i mention i’m mildly insane LOL *um..BWUHAHAHA*)

No Ep. for Oct 1st, LABN Resumes Oct. 10

This is an apology to my viewers and an explanation as to why there isn’t a show for Oct. 1st like there was supposed to be…we just haven’t been all there this week, we’re very sorry about this…between that and the tech difficulties, I just couldn’t get an episode together…I hope you’ll tune in next week when we do…Something interesting, we’ve got new characters that are getting introduced and its gonna be great :D. Thank you for watching! Much Love!

further tech delays

i’m sorry but due to further technical delays re-my computer, editor etc, this weeks footage may be unusable (after ALL the work i put into it)…if i can salvage it, something will post in the early AM of monday, I apologize again for the continued delay, I feel awful for being as late as i am and for having to potentially scrap the episode all together.

thank you for your continued patience.  MUCH LOVE!

Another 24hr Delay

a hand full of technical difficulties combined w/an obligation to do a photo shoot last night (for which i was paid) that took 4hrs (makeup, costume assistance & then photo shoot), and my being out sick on Wednesday and unable to work (or really function even)  this week’s episode of LABN will be delayed by 24hrs, it will post Tomorrow (Sunday Oct. 2nd) around 10AM.

Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.  Much love!

HURRAY!! *insert angelic chorus here*

Another real brief message to anyone out there watching/reading/listening…I THINK I’VE FIXED THE GLITCH!! I’m plugging along, and…well, watch me be excited while I explain below 😀

as always, THANK YOU for your patience and thank you for watching! I’ll see you SOON, with the first official episode of LABN! bye for now!

another small update

in case anyone is wondering, yes i’ll be doing some editing work on LABN 1.1 tonight in hopes of getting it up in the next day or so, but I will be taking most of the night off because i’ve been pushing myself too hard lately and i’ve been having confussion spells, so we’re takin a break today.

I have a variety of physical & mental issues (for more info check out my Vlog ‘welcome to my cell‘) and I have been pushing myself through 8-10hr shifts of editing etc for a week & some and it has really caught up with me and the last two days I’ve started having confusion spells again (having trouble remembering what day it is, etc) so tonight we’re trying to take a bit of a mental break because we are feeling REALLY brain dead.
I feel bad for not getting the first episode up when I said I would, but between the tech glitches and what not, I underestimated the complexity of the project at hand (I’m not ashamed to admit that) and I set the bar a bit too high for this first episode. It will post soon as it is completed, which will hopefully be soon. I appreciate your patience in the matter. *hugs*

Technical Delays, A Vlog Update

little something I slapped together because at this point I’m so exasperated by my editing software that I HAVE to take probably the rest of the time I’m awake off (I’ll do little editing bits here & there impulsively, but all the serious cutting is going to get put off until tonight…otherwise i’ll be forced to stuff the cdrom w/C4 and blow this computer to kingdom come…)

Still Struggling

I’m really sorry this is taking so long guys, but this glitch w/the software has got me so upset I swear I could just fucking cry…I WANT this to look good, but EVER…SINGLE…TIME…I make a cut to edit my video, it COMPLETELY throws the sound off…I GUESS this means having to edit the audio AND video separately…I’m pretty exhausted & brain dead at this point folks, but I’m trying…there WILL be a post by midnight, but that is about all I can assure…